I had a dream this morning. I don't know if it can be counted as a nightmare, but it sure shook me... And it's er, a bit embarrassing too..
I remember dreaming about something else and then it suddenly changes. Here it comes, brace yourself! I found myself in a matchmaking session. Or should I say being DRAGGED to by my family. OMG!! I was like, 'What the?! Mom, I'm just 21! No, actually not yet. Anyway, I don't need such stuff! Is this some kind of a joke? Very funny, now let me go! I'm not THAT desperate! Oh, floor, can you open up a big hole and swallow me up?'.
* No offence to anybody who goes to matchmaking sessions or is a matchmaker. I know there are cases where true love are found, but it's just not for me. I probably would die from the embarrassment before I found anything. Besides, I er, still have time! Right?*
So, I got dragged into it. The guy wasn't bad-looking, but not good-looking either. I mean just OK. (Yeah, I'm shallow, I know ;P) However, I could feel that he was also feeling squeamish like me. But I'm not going to pity BOTH of us.
After that, the scene changes. And I'm at school. And to my horror, he's sitting next to my desk. Can I wake up already??? I'm already getting goosebumps typing it out. So, I used the ignore technique. I just pretend he's invisible. I know, it's SO evil of me. That's why a few minutes later, I felt so guilty. I mean, both of us probably are forced to do this. It is unfair to unleash my anger on him. I think I was about to apologize and ask him to forget about what happened earlier and start over. Then, I woke up. Sheesh.
Man, it is a nightmare, right? It's JUST a dream, right?? I mean, I dreamt a lot of ridiculous stuff before, I guess it's because I watch too much TV and read too many books and manga, so this is also some kind of a figment of my imagination, right? I hope so. Shudder*
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