Live, love and laugh. Catchy? Hahaha...
Actually I am ashamed to admit that I think I haven't live my life to the fullest. Ya, I have fun once in a while, but it's not the "full" life that I dreamed of. I may look tough and grumpy but I am actually really very chicken-hearted. LOL! That's why people say "Don't judge a book by its cover". And because of my cowardly personality, I don't like taking risk. I would avoid it rather than face it. And that is why I don't live my life to the fullest. XD
But what is the life that is lived to the fullest? How do you live it to the fullest? Nobody has a manual/guidebook to teach them how to live. Well, then, how do one know if he/she has live to the fullest? lol...
Love. Everyone knows it. Everyone wants it. Everyone needs it. There are many kinds of love; family love, siblings love (duh, not incest lah), friends love, animal love, etc. The greatest love of all: true love. Is it really? But how do people know that they have found it? XD Yea, yea, you got those movies that "show" you about it. But how is it in REALITY? Don't tell me there is another manual to teach people to recognize true love. XD
Laugh. Yea, I like to laugh. Had experienced those laugh-until-stomach-really-hurts a lot. And I laugh like nobody's business. I mean, you probably can hear my laughter from some distance. Well, if you need to control your laugh, then won't it be not natural? I mean, laughter is something like a reflex right? Well, kind of. Of course over the time since we were still *ahem* innocent babies, we have learned about fake laugh, polite laugh, outrageous laugh, evil laugh (hehehe...), etc. But if you think about it, babies don't think twice when they laugh, do they? And they don't have polite laugh and all those variety. They just laugh. That is probably why we love babies so much. They don't control, they don't pretend, they don't fake it. They laugh when they like it and cry when they don't like it. Haha.. Is laughter really the best medicine? I don't know, but I think it helps. At least it helps me. Hahaha... And it doesn't take much to set my laughter off. I just can't help it! Hahaha...
PS. to the one who likes to hear my laugh, hahahahahahahahahahahaha.... thanks! never knew there would be someone who like my laughter. I personally think my laugh are weird and loud. Hahahahaha....
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