Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I'm a hopeless romantic. Emma got to be my most favorite period movie of all times! I absolutely HEART Mr. Knightley! *swoon* Hahahaha... Not forgetting that I adore Jane Austen's books. Emma, Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion, etc. Yeah, I'm really a hopeless romantic, even if I give off a more cynical vibe in general. Who would have guessed the moody and grumpy me loves love stories like these. Hahaha.. I do, I like it more than modern romantic movies. Hahaha... I'm just a sucker for those dashing gentlemen in those clothes, they looked more charming and handsome. HAHAHAHA...

By the way, I really should not be blogging OR watching Emma for God-knows-how-many times. (Because I haven't practise for my presentation which will be on Thursday!) I keep re-watch the conversations between Emma and Mr. Knightley. And I love Emma's dresses, so simple yet elegant. I haven't watch the Pride and Prejudice movie though. Maybe I'll fall in love with it too. Hahahahaha... But I think, Mr. Knightley x Emma would be my favorite couple for movie. In books, Emma and Lizzy stand on equal ground. LOL.. This post is totally a 100% syok-sendiri raving. HAHAHAHA... Sorry if you find it boring you. ;P

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