I had a strange dream last night. NO, call it scary. It wasn't the scary type like the last dream I blogged about. But the scariness comes from the realness it felt. *shudder*
So, what was it about? Well, I don't remember how it started actually. Haha.. I remembered I was walking, on the way back home (which is kinda illogical lah, because I couldn't possibly WALK home, you know. Hahaha.. Unless it's not referring to my KL home. OMG, I think it is referring to here, in Penang. OMG. Just realized it.) OK, so I was walking home, then I saw this shop, sale I think. Haha. So I entered it. That is when I realized that someone had been following me all along. Don't ask me how I know. Sixth sense or instinct, I guess. So I pretend to browse and pretend I'm waiting for someone to pick me up or something. So that he will think that I won't be alone.
My mind was really blank, you know. I wonder why I didn't call someone with my phone. *shrug* Panic, I guess. So I kinda lepak at that shop for HOURS, but he is still there. Well, you might think that I got it wrong, that he wasn't stalking me. But who would lepak in a shop without buying anything? Mind still blank, I think I left and walked into another shop. Or it was the same shop, just that it has a cafe/bistro section? Well, I'm not sure. And it is not impossible, right? Nowadays, there are plenty of shops like that. You see what I mean by 'real'? So it was getting REAL late, and luckily my friends came! Well, I think I called them, because they kinda know what is wrong. Unfortunately, all of us were females. *slap forehead* Is this dream indicating that there is a lack of male friends in my life???? Uh... So end up getting scared together. LOL. Good thing is to be shared? HAHA.. Hmm, actually, I don't know WHY I felt I need to have a GUY to make me feel safer. I mean, that stalker is a MALE too what. Stereotype is a powerful thing, I guess.
Then I suddenly thought of calling a male buddy who lives nearby me. Tough luck. He won't come to save me. (Maybe because he isn't my Prince? Bwahahahaha... Dunno, he got girlfriend already anyway, and I treat him like a buddy. So much for a buddy, won't save me. Ha...) So, I'm getting scared by the minute. By the way, that stalker still not leaving. (Of course lah, if leave already, I won't need to be scared =_=)
*snap fingers* I'll just call XXX to bring me home! So, I called him. He picked up the phone, his voice like just woke up, and he DID just wake up. Lol. He asked me why I called him in the bloody middle of the night. I was like, it is THAT late already??!! How come this shop/cafe/bistro didn't close de??? Dreams, how logical can they be?
He didn't say whether he is coming or not, or maybe I didn't heard him. Because at that moment, the shop-cafe-bistro is closing and I am freaking out. Lol. And my girl friends are leaving, being unable to help me, only can give me moral support and share my suffering. I'm like, die lah, sure DIE lah. Then I THINK (this part is blur because I'm waking up from the dream already) he did come, at the nick of the time? I hope he did. Because the stalker looks mighty strong and tall. >_< (And you would think, if he is not a stalker/bad guy, I would 'kap' him a bit. LOL)
Then I saw him later today. In real life lah. Hahaha.. I don't mean the stalker. Choi, touch wood. I mean the 'Prince'. LOL. And I'm a damsel-in-distress? I think the root of this dream came from the game I played yesterday. HAHAHAHAHA... So, I saw him and then remember the dream. And I was like, hmm, why did I thought of calling him de? I guess old habit dies hard. I promised myself I will not think of love right now, but the heart won't listen, eh? Anyway, I guess it is a tiny crush gua. Nothing dangerous. Haha..
Which is true. Because when I met him, I found out he already got someone special. *Poof* --> the crush being crushed. HAHAHAHA... Nothing's broken, thank god. Just another twinge in my heart that says 'Am I such a failure? Sigh'. Oh well, that aside, it is still a creepy dream.