It's been a while. A really long while. Well, a lot of stuff happened... And it'll probably takes a while for me to tell the long story. I better cut it short. Hehehe... For your own good also what. No need read my boring stories so long... Lol.. XD
Here I go...
Around end of Jan:
I found out firsthand that rumor is a powerful thing. If used wrongly, I think world domination is possible. (inset: evil laugh) How did I find out? You see, at that time, there were rumors (I didn't witness it *touch wood* and I didn't hear it from someone who witness it personally, so that is considered rumors, right?) about sightings of orang minyak in one of my Uni's hostel. As the days goes by, the sightings became "incidents" and the locations increases too. My hostel was rumored to be one of the locations as well. Well, what do you think happened? Panic lah. Of course it's a bit absurd to be panic so fast since it's still all rumors. Then, a friend of mine said the committee people confirmed about it wor, panic level hit the roof. Not specifically mine, but generally lah. But since I did not hear the confirmation firsthand, I still feel a bit skeptical. But what is skeptical when all the people around you panicked and all finding ways to get out of hostel for awhile?
Can't beat them? Join them. So I spent a night sharing a bed with course mate, Cool (Thanks a lot for allowing me to stay! Was scared but chatting and gossiping with you was really fun! Hehehe...) and a week at my Penangite course mate, Arale's house (Thank you for sheltering me and PY! I like the ice cream from near your place! Hahaha). Hmmm, now that I think of it, it's not my style to act so rashly. Hahaha... But what would you do? Your logical brain is telling you it is absurd, but your superstitious side is getting some goosebumps... Then, it was time to go home! Yea!
3rd Feb:
Loads of stories to tell my KL friends. XD It was Cheryl's birthday, celebrated at Kim Gary. Too bad Donald was not around that day. Then, CNY shopping!
4th Feb:
More CNY shopping! XD Oh yea, I moved. So take note, my dear friends (OK, not many people phone me, but should inform lah..) my old house phone is not available anymore. Hahaha... Kitty sms me and asked why my phone is disconnected. Sorry, I didn't tell you earlier, my shopping buddy! XD Oh, this is also the reason I didn't blog... haven't apply new phone line at my new house... No Internet for a whole week... I survived! *applause*
7th, 8th, 9th Feb:
It's Chinese New Year!!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!! With thoughts of tests and project deadlines at the back of my mind, I celebrate this year's CNY with gusto. Lol... Since I have to be back to Penang on Sunday, of course I have to enjoy my CNY to the fullest. Hehehe... Didn't get to eat my favorite biscuit (kuih kapit) until I'm satisfied though. Mom tell me to bring a tin back, but I don't think this delicate biscuit can survive the journey. Oh well, eat lesser means lesser weight gain... Hahaha... Had another great day visiting houses of friends. Hahaha, mine included. Since it's new house wor, give me face and visit. Sorry about the wrong direction though. I just stayed there less than a week, plus I'm not really good with directions, hehehe... But it's really hilarious, me keep phoning Kitty and Donald asking if this is the right way to my house (I was in the most front car to lead the way) XD Lol...
10th - now:
Busy, busy, busy. Assignments! Tests! Reports! Projects! I want my CNY hols to be longer...
PS. Happy Belated Valentine's Day!! Guess what? Got a forwarded mail from Momo, Chinese Horoscope prediction: Tigers - It will be a quiet year for singles. XD I bet it will be true for me... ;P
PPS. Phew, what a 'short' long story... Lol...
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