Thursday, August 06, 2009

Tips for singles

Saw it in an article online. Hahaha.. thought want to share it with those who is still single (and unattached), hahaha... It's more for the girls than guys, but I guess it can be applied to either gender. Lol...

1. Don’t take things bitter friends say to heart. They’re projecting—putting their insecurities on you.
2. Don’t chat with negative friends about your love life (or lack there of).
3. Don’t feel forced to date because your friends are.
4. Do go out with supportive friends of all relationship statuses.
5. Do enjoy you. That’s the only person you’ll definitely be with forever.

I definitely need to follow these tips.. LOL... Being single is not a crime lah... So to those who worry about my status (yea, stick it to my face, "why you didn't grab a guy before you graduate, like your friends??"), calm down, I'm not buying vegetables in the pasar, you don't just grab and pay. lol.. I'm just not ready for relationship, why force myself? ;P

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