I've been neglecting the blog again.. Soorryy... It's been
quite VERY busy lately. Let see, this Wednesday hor, I have a presentation at 8.30am (if I so 'lucky' to get chosen *touch wood*), then a test at 10am, after that, got to rush to another test at 11am. At 3pm, there's another test. Like Chinese people like to say, "Do 'big business' also got no time". I'm THAT busy. Sigh. Plus, my mid semester break is
cancelled postponed to my study week. So tiring.. It's like my work never stops. After I hand in this report, that report is due. After this project, there are those projects. Oh well, I'm just grousing around to vent my frustration. I guess, everyone is as busy as I am, if not more. If that is the case, let's take a break and come to read my blog! Hahahaha... Let's give you some eye candies, hehehe... Some pictures from the dramas I'm watching or I WANT to watch. Hahaha...
PS. Sorry about the layout, I know my layout skill sux, and I don't have time to combine all the pictures into one big picture. But still, the pictures don't do them justice! They are hot! Wahahaha...

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