Yeah! I finally went to The Gardens on last Monday! -.-" Don't know why I'm rejoicing just because of that. Just to sound cool, I guess. Hahahaha... Aiya, it's not really that cool, unless you got big bucks to buy stuff from there. Really BIG bucks, mind you. So was just window shopping as usual, though not before accompanying Mum to buy new shoes for my Bro's wedding. Oh! I forgot! Hehe.. I get to attend the wedding after all. The paper I was scheduled to take on the day after the wedding was postponed to a day later. Lucky! Oh well, maybe some of them complained about only having ONE day of holiday for Deepavali. It's kinda sad too, I mean, it's their New Year (I mean in their religion calendar) and how can they manage to get back home to celebrate if only one day of holiday is given?
So, was finally getting my lazy ass off the couch (and bed, XD) to post something in this neglected blog (Poor blog...), when I saw that s0hp0h was fighting with me in Facebook and the reason given is... because I didn't update my blog. -.-" OK lah, it's my fault, but my street credit keep dropping because I keep losing to you ar.. And it's no use if I pick fight with you since you got SO many supporters. That would be like digging my own grave lah. Hahaha.. Oh well, I DID say you can beat me if I neglect this blog, I guess virtual beating is also acceptable. Lol..
Ah, what was it that I wanted to write about? Oh yeah, so
*slap* This isn't the real topic I wanted to write about! I wanted to write about the mystery of coming out with various stupid, lazy excuses (inside my head) just to sleep a little while longer every morning before Mum comes in and wakes me up. There, I've wrote it. XD OK, I got to go cook my lunch now, til then, au revoir
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