Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Hmm..just a quick post now...

Do u believe in coincidences?? some does, and some doesn't.. oh well, yesterday i was checking my handphone credit balance n i still left with RM38.65... AND 365 free smses (i got those free sms from the point-redemption thingy) Nothing so special or weird, rite? Try to just say out loud the digits (digit by digit, and ignoring the decimal point) in the money part in cantonese, then say out loud the number of free sms in the usual way (not digit by digit)

For the sake of those who don't speak cantonese (or those who couldn't get it =.="), when u say 3 8 then 65, the intonation of '8' also sounds like 'hundred'(all in cantonese, of course), so it's like both is same!

You now probably are saying: "Ok, so i get ur point, -.-" What so big deal about it?"

Well, nothing i guess... lol! just some food for thoughts... imagine, many things that happenned are not just mere coincidences, but clues to a bigger thing (like your life, maybe, or your love life, etc... )

You : "Ha. Nuts. Are you taking drugs or something?? "

Nope, just babbling along to fill up this space... You can ignore me if you want... I ran out of 'good' stuff to write today... hahaha... or probably i'm too sleepy... 'bad' things got a lot lah... but not so nice to spread gossips... Want a better blog reading experience? just read my friend's blog (sohpoh)... Gee, i'm really weird today, i'm driving away my readers!! What is happening here??! Help!

Maybe sleep will cure it... g'nite

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